In order to transport elementary school children to the school "Am Sand" in Oberanven, the Commune offers an efficient school bus service. It consists of eight different lines, servicing all localities of the Commune of Niederanven.
Three of the eight lines are serviced by buses belonging to the Commune and our bus drivers Pascal Bonifas, Christophe Bamberg and Camille Bertrang ensure that schoolchildren are transported safely from A to B.
The schedules of the bus lines can be found in our school newsletter "Schoulbuet".
For non-school afternoons or other school-free periods, the buses are used for the local music school or tutoring activities in Niederanven.
Pedibus Niederanven: a project that works!

Pedibus Niederanven runs with 4 routes.
The Pedibus is a school “bus” system on foot. It operates on the following principle: Adults accompany a group of children on their way to school. Like a traditional bus, the Pedibus picks up the children at predefined places and brings them to school on a fixed route and according to a fixed schedule.
How does the Pedibus work?
The children wait for the Pedibus at the agreed meeting point. Throughout the journey – only on foot - the Pedibus picks up children joining the group at the various stops. Nothing is easier; however, prior registration is required.
The children, in the company of their schoolmates and two adult guides, are able to reach their school in a safe, healthy and ecological manner.
This service is offered for children starting at Cycle 1. A covered cart is used to transport additional material and school bags. The Pedibus operates in all weathers, which by experience poses no problem if children are dressed appropriately.
Why should our children walk to school?
- Going on foot is good for your health!
To avoid problems of excess weight, often due to lack of movement and a sedentary lifestyle, parents should encourage their children to walk more regularly.
- Going on foot is more fun!
Meeting, discussing with other children and discoveries along the way are of great importance for the social development of our children.
- Going on foot is good for the environment!
Car traffic on the way to school and in front of school buildings causes significant pollution. Going on foot contributes to protecting the environment.
The 4 routes:
Route A: in Niederanven through the streets Dicks, Michel Lentz, Rénert and Laach. The route takes about 22 minutes (22 children are registered).
Route B: in Oberanven “Wakelter” through the streets Schetzel, Jean-Pierre Gloden and rue du Coin. This route takes about 18 minutes (16 children are registered).
Route C: in Senningen from "Trenker" via Trierer Strasse past the Center Commercial "Arcades". This route takes about 22 minutes (16 children are registered).
Route D: in Niederanven through the streets Goesfeld, Mensdorf, Munsbach and Laach. The route takes about 27 minutes (7 children are registered).
• Appropriate signage is maintained to ensure safety.
• Adult monitors abide by a set of behaviour rules.
• Guides and children wear safety vests. In bad weather, ponchos are provided to protect children from the rain.
• When arriving on the school campus, the children are accompanied to their respective school buildings.
- Technical service of the commune: José Carvalheiro Pereira (phone: 34 11 34-59; e-mail:
- Coordination with the guides: Maison Relais Niederanven (phone: 26 34 00 68-1; e-mail: